
You can read our report here

‘Where happy children learn, play and explore’

Walter Powell Pre-school is a friendly pre-school situated within the grounds of Somerfords’ Walter Powell School in Great Somerford

Our Vision

We are an inclusive pre-school where every child is unique.  We will support and give opportunities for each child to reach their potential.

Our Aims and Values

  • To create a caring, nurturing, safe environment
  • To work in partnership with parents
  • To provide a fun, stimulating atmosphere
  • To plan a wide variety of activities and experiences
  • To support each child, recognising their interests

We have a fantastic outdoor area and grounds, highly qualified and experienced staff and close links to the school and local community.

P.E is held weekly in the school hall.  The children take part in either Music and Movement or use the apparatus, to aid their physical development and expression with music.

Each week we visit our ‘Pre-school Den’ situated in the school grounds.  Our children thrive and develop in this stimulating environment, thoroughly enjoying the outdoor play and real experiences.  We believe it is the best kind of classroom, with no walls, just sky and trees.

On occasion we take the children on short walks outside the school grounds, expanding their experiences.  We visit places such as; the post office, the church, Jubilee Gardens or simply walk through the field next to school.

Each week we take the children to work on our allotment and reap the produce that we grow.

Since 2017 we have been part of the Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust and are governed by the school local board.

We offer children aged 2 to 5 years the opportunity to learn through play in a fun and happy learning environment, enabling them to become confident, independent learners for life.

The children benefit from free flow play and a balance of child initiated and adult planned activities. We operate a key person system which allows us to plan for each child’s individual needs, ensuring that we are aware of each child’s stage of development and enabling them to progress through the seven areas of learning.


Our fees are £7.50 per hour for under 3’s and £5.25 per hour for over 3’s.  Fees are charged termly in advance.  

Free Entitlement for Two, Three and Four Year Olds

15 hours funding is available for 2 year olds of working parents or those in receipt of qualifying benefits subject to eligibility

All 3 and 4 year old children are currently eligible for free Nursery Education for 15 hours a week, 38 weeks a year from the term after their third birthday.  The funding terms are set out nationally as follows:
Autumn term: 1 September – 31 December
Spring term: 1 January – 31 March
Summer term: 1 April – 31 August

The 15 hours must be spread over a minimum of three days with a maximum of 12.5 hours in two days and a minimum of 2.5 hours.  Anything over and above 2.5 hours is flexible. The hours can be shared between two settings (three settings when a child has complex needs and a District Specialist Centre is one of them).   Funding is provided by Wiltshire Council direct to the Pre-school.

We are also able to offer 30 hours free childcare for those eligible.

Use the link to see what help you might be able to get with pre-school fees and

To find out more or arrange a visit, why not join us for our Stay & Play sessions or contact us at:

Walter Powell Pre-school
Dauntsey Road
Great Somerford
Wiltshire, SN15 5HS

Tel No:  01249 720797


Stay and Play

Want to experience what our pre-school is all about?

Join our Stay & Play sessions and meet our team who are happy to answer your questions.

Every Friday morning during term time, we offer a Stay & Play session from 9.30am to 11am. The sessions take place in our dedicated early years space and focus on children's books with craft and activities led by our preschool specialist. 

Explore - craft - nature - music - fun and time to connect with other young families

Refreshments, healthy snacks and tea/coffee available. Cost for the session £2.


Term dates can be found here:

Term Dates - Somerford's Walter Powell CofE Primary School


Contact Us

We are happy to answer your questions.


  • Dauntsey Road, Great Somerford, SN15 5HS