Somerfords’ Home and School Association (SHASA)

You can read our report here

Somerfords’ Home and School Association

We are the fundraising body for Somerfords’ Walter Powell, made up of parents and friends of the school. We are a friendly group and always welcome new members, who can get involved as much or as little as they want. Not your ‘traditional’ PTA!

Working very closely with school leadership, we raise money via events and grants to provide all the ‘extras’ to help make primary school life even more special for the children. Recently we have supported new furniture, playground equipment, air purifiers, library resources, IT resources (including codable Lego) and enrichment activities across all years. We organise events like discos and support activities such as school trips, getting the children involved in cake sales, non-uniform days and sponsored reads. As a registered charity we also run very popular community fundraisers such as the annual Harvest Café, bringing the whole community together to celebrate home-grown produce with support from local businesses.

If you’d like to find out more, please contact We hold regular ideas meetings and socials and would love for you to come along. You can also keep up to date via Facebook (link to

School Volunteer Leaflet

Contact Us

We are happy to answer your questions.


  • Dauntsey Road, Great Somerford, SN15 5HS